Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2012

shine bright like a diamond

How often do you look back? 
 Really reflect on what you've done
The insignificance of it all.
Pointless arguments. Inside jokes. Funny haircuts.
But do you ever wonder how will be remembered?
With what you've done and what you're doing means anything at all?
What will your songs sound like when you dead and G O N E.
How will your story be told?
Will your words leave a bitter tast in their mouthes?
Or will they even remembered you at all?
So what it is that motivates us?
To be better. Gentler. More refined. 
I like to think that it's those close to us.
Close to the heart and soul.
Those who took the blame for breaking the window when it was you who cast the stone.
Those who will be by your side when reality knocks on the door. 
Both good and bad.
More importantly those who's stories you'll share
with your kids, your grandkids and their kids and their grandkids. 
And hopes to somehow keep this up alive.
Shivery, Decency, Kindness, Compassion, Desire, Strength.
How will you be remembered?

 Irgendwie sehen die Bilder auch alle gleich aus :D

3 Kommentare:

  1. super schöne Fotos! und dein blog ist auch toll!
    wenn du lust hast, schau bei mir vorbei und wir können dem anderen folgen, was meinst du?:)

  2. Schöne Bilder :-)

    Hab dir einen Blogaward verliehen:

  3. beautiful pictures, let's follow each other? I hope for reciprocity.
